Social Work » School Safety

School Safety

School Safety
The Mitchell County School System is committed to the safety of the students, the employees, the public, and the property and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education.

In fulfilling this commitment, a safe and healthy school environment will be provided and maintained. Efforts will be made to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in personal injuries/illness, security threats, fires, and damage to property.

Each school and department of the school system has an active safety committee to address any risks or threats which may exist to the students, staff, general public, and facilities. A System Wide Safety Committee and Safety Coordinator exist in support of these individual safety programs.

A formal Emergency Management Plan is in place which attempts to addresses all situations which could present a risk to our schools. This plan was developed in partnership with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency.
Each school has an established safety program which can be reviewed by contacting the individual school admi

School Safety Hotline
Safe Schools Hotline
Report drugs, weapons, bullying, threats, or other safety issues.
Toll-Free 1-877-SAY-STOP (1-877-789-7867)
24 hours a day/7 days a week
Co-Sponsored by the
Georgia Department of Education and the Georgia Department of Public Safety