About Us
With over 96,000 acres of farmland, Mitchell County ranks high among Georgia counties in agricultural production. Farming is its most important industry, which generates over $162 million for Mitchell County. An abundance of water, fertile lands, and an extended growing season make Mitchell County a prime location for farming and agri-business. Local farmers produce a wide variety of crops including cotton, peanuts, pecans, sweet corn, soybeans, vegetables, pine trees, livestock, and broilers. Most of these crops are further processed in Camilla, thereby adding employment and profit to the county. Camilla enjoys a strong economy that is bolstered by the continuing addition of new businesses. From industry and agri-business to service and retail enterprise, Camilla and Mitchell County boast a pro-business environment. Local government works closely with the business community to stimulate the economy.
The Mitchell County School System is committed to providing challenging educational programs and equitable learning experiences so that all students achieve learning, thinking, and life skills necessary for success. The system consists of 4 schools: Mitchell County Primary (grades Pre-K-1st), Mitchell County Elementary (grades 2-4), Mitchell County Middle (grades 5-7th) and Mitchell County High School (grades 8-12th along with the Career Academy).
Teacher groups across all grades continue to collaborate to align curriculum and to develop common assessments. These common assessments provide students opportunities to demonstrate mastery following instruction through various tiers of safety net interventions offered, including Intersession. These and other curriculum decisions are guided by the Curriculum Coordinating Council (CCC), a collaborative team comprised of representatives from all schools and outside stakeholders as well.
Federal law prohibits discriminations on the basis of: race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights ACT of 1964); sex (Title IX of Educational Amendments of 1972 and Title II of the Carl D. Perkins’ Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1990); or disability Section 504 (The ADA Amendments Act of 2008) in educational in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.
Employers, students and the general public are hereby notified that the Mitchell County Board of Education and the Mitchell County School System does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or handicap/disability in any career technical or educational programs or activities or in employment policies. The following individuals have been designated as employees responsible for coordinating the system’s efforts to implement this non-discrimination policy.
Title VI Coordinator |
Dr. Samuel Clemons, Jr. Deputy Superintendent for Operations 108 South Harney Street Camilla, Georgia 31730 (229) 321-7002 |
Title IX Coordinator |
Dondrial Pinkins, Athletic Director 1000 Newton Rd. Camilla, GA 31730 (229) 321-7006 |
Title VI-B Director
ADA Coordinator Section 504 Coordinator |
Bridget Still, Director of Special Education 108 South Harney Street Camilla, GA 31730 (229)321-7002 |
Title II and IX Coordinator |
Jacquelyn White, Human Resource Director 108 South Harney Street Camilla, GA 31730 (229) 321-7002
Inquiries concerning the policies or applications of Title II, Title VI, Title VI-B, Title IX or Section 504/ADA may be addressed to the individuals listed above.
CTAE Notice:
The Mitchell County School System’s Career, Technology and Agriculture Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in admission to its programs (Agriculture, Graphic Design, Culinary Arts, Young Marines, Mechatronics, Plumbing and Welding services or activities). Additional information can be found at https://www.mitchell.k12.ga.us. The Mitchell County School System does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. For additional information or referral to the appropriate system coordinator, contact the CTAE Director at 1000 Newton Road, Camilla, Georgia 31730-2065. Telephone: 229-583-3403.