About Us

Eagle's Nest Newsletter
Ruth Lee is the editor of the MCSS Eagle’s Nest Newsletter.  All archives from August 2008 to present can be found by clicking on Eagle's Newsletter tab on the main page or Click here. 
Contact Info: Ruth Lee [email protected] or call 229-321-7031 ext 1021.  

Print Media: Eagle's Nest Newsletter
  • The MCSS Eagle’s Nest Newsletter is published 10 times a year, with the December/January issued being combined and no July issue.    Faculty and staff submit articles by the 23rd of each month to Ms. Lee.
  • The newsletter is usually distributed on the first workday of each month. The coordinator also works designated personnel from each school and district office on collecting information for the newsletter and to submit to local newspapers.  
Stay Connected
Web Design: Designated personnel are assigned to maintain and update the webpages for the system and the schools.
Radio – MCHS Eagle News Radio WMCZ LP 94.5 FM station is located at Mitchell County High School and can be heard in @ 8 mile range from the school.  For more information contact Crystal Daniels at Mitchell County High School.  

Facebook:  There are various Facebooks pages associated with the Mitchell County School System, which includes a Facebook page for the District;  for Mitchell County Elementary School, for Mitchell County High School, and one for SOWEGA CCA.  The links for the Facebook pages can be found at the bottom of the district website page.   MCSS Facebook link:  https://www.facebook.com/MitchellCountySchoolSystem
The link for Mitchell County Elementary School Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/people/Mitchell-County-Elementary-School/61551678491951/ or go to https://mces.mitchell.k12.ga.us/ and click on Facebook link at the bottom of the page.