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About Us

Technology Request 
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Mitchell County School District Technology Department
The mission of the Mitchell County School District Technology Department is to maintain the operational status of technology for the district and to make it a priority to provide the necessary technology services to meet students’ educational needs.
The Information Technology Strategic Plan is intended to be a "living" document, which must remain viable in a time of constant technological advancement. It is unrealistic to expect a planning document covering a time span to predict accurately all future developments of such a dynamic area as information technology. Rapid adjustments and regular revisions of the plan are a vital and indispensable part in the on-going strategic planning process. This document, therefore, will serve to initiate a constant modification cycle of planning for information technology within the institution.
Progress on the plan will continue to be evaluated by the appropriate advisory groups and management levels on an annual basis. Unit plans must be consistent with this Technology Strategic Plan and take into account the adopted primary initiatives in this plan. On an annual basis, a revised Information Technology Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board of Education’s governance bodies for review, along with a summary assessment from the Chief -Information Officer of the progress in achieving goals indicated in the plan for the prior year.

Adolyn Whitmire, Purchasing Agent
229-321-7031 extension 1023