Tips for Parents
What are some ways to ensure two-way communication between home and school?
1. Nine weeks report cards/progress reports
1. Nine weeks report cards/progress reports
2. Assessment results
3. Parent-Student-Teacher Compacts
4. Parent Involvement Plans
5. Attendance Letter
6. Parent Conference
7. OAS – Online Assessment System
8. School and Parent INVOLVEMENT websites
9. Flyers sent home
10. District Monthly Newsletters
11. Parent Survey
What are the six slices of Parent Involvement?
1. Communicating
2. Collaborating with the Community
3. Decision Making
4. Learning At Home
5. Parenting
6. Volunteering
What are some Parent Involvement Activities at MCSS?
2. School Council Meetings
3. Stakeholder Meetings
4. Title I Annual Meetings
5. Curriculum Knowledge Meetings
6. Assessment Knowledge Meetings
7. Parent/Teacher Conferences
8. Read aloud to students
9. Listen to students read
10. Career Day – Guest Speaker