Parents » About Parent and Family Engagement

About Parent and Family Engagement

Welcome to Mitchell County Schools Parent and Family Engagement!  Parents are their child’s first and best teacher.   We support our families in your efforts to help your child receive a quality education.
The term Parent and Family Engagement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities.
Mitchell County School System wants to partner with you to provide all students with a positive and enriching educational experience.   We are ready to serve the needs of our parents and caretakers.  Please feel free to contact any of our schools in the district or the Federal Programs office with any questions, concerns or ideas that may arise as you and your child travel the road of success.

Research shows many benefits for students of parents who are involved in their education including:
  • Increased academic achievement
  • Better test grades
  • Higher achievement scores on standardized tests
  • Better attendance
  • Better classroom behavior
  • Increased likelihood of graduating from high school
  • Increased likelihood of enrolling in post secondary education
Parent and Family Engagement Survey
As the parent/guardian and family member of a child attending a Title I school you are an important part of the Title I team.  Your input is vital in the planning and implementation of the Parent and Family Engagement Program and activities in our school.  The focus of all Title I programs is to help eligible students meet the same high academic achievement standards expected of all children, regardless of their socioeconomic status and background.  The following survey is confidential and will be used to assist us with future planning for parent and family engagement activities and events at your child's school.  We appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  If you would like a paper copy, please notify your school. The survey may be returned to your child's teacher.
TITLE I Parent and Family Engagement workshops are offered at different times throughout the school year to enhance parent confidence, help parents understand what the students are learning in class, help parents with their children at home, have productive meetings with teachers and establish discipline in class and at home. Parents are always invited and encouraged to participate in their child's education.
Parent Resource Rooms are located at each Title I school:  Mitchell County Primary, Mitchell County Elementary, Mitchell County Middle School and Mitchell County High School.  The resource rooms are open days that school is in session from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Parents are invited and encouraged to visit the resource rooms at your children's school.
November is Parent and Family Engagement Month!
November is Family Engagement Month in Georgia, and districts and schools across the state will be highlighting the important role parents play in their children’s education. In addition, November 16 is National Parent Involvement Day, a time for all schools and parents to reflect on the vital partnership needed for Georgia’s students and schools to be successful. I invite you to access the following opportunities to strengthen those partnerships with your students’ parents and families. On behalf of all schools in Georgia, State School Superintendent Richard Woods, wrote a Thank You Letter to Georgia’s Families to show our appreciation to the parents and the family members who support student success.
Attention Parents:
Migrant Parent Action Council Meeting
March 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Mitchell County Schools' Board Office

The Mitchell County School district will hold a meeting for Migrant Parent Action Council Meeting for parents of Migrant students.  The purpose of this meeting is to listen to the concerns you have about your child’s progress and to provide you with information on how you can help to make your child succeed.