Professional Learning Program

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Professional learning is the means by which teachers, administrators and other school and system employees acquire, enhance or refine the knowledge, skills and commitment necessary to create and support high levels of learning for all students. Professional learning, professional development, staff development, and inservice training are synonymous terms. In order for students to learn and perform at high levels, educators must be learning virtually all of the time. Continuous school improvement depends on high-quality professional learning that focuses on research-based strategies. Optimal professional learning is standards-based, results-driven, systemic, ongoing, and embedded into the daily routine of educators. In Mitchell County Schools, everyone has a responsibility for student success. The purpose of professional learning is quality learning and superior performance for all students and staff. Mitchell County utilizes funds from federal programs, state professional learning support and specific programs to provide a variety of professional learning opportunities that include in-house learning communities/trainings, PD360, GLRS workshops, SWGA RESA workshops and regional/state/national conferences.